HD4PC has moved to TechWithMikeFirst.com

Posted by Mike McCarthy on October 1st, 2016 filed in Industry Status

I am relaunching my technology site with a new brand and domain: techwithmikefirst.com. After nine years of posting my articles on HD4PC.com, it is time for a change. The identity HD4PC was chosen for a number of reasons, being simple and easy to remember, it encapsulated exactly what I wanted to talk about. I dealt with high end video production, and HD was where everything was at back then. And as an engineer at heart, I have always been a fan of PC over Mac, even when that made me a minority in the post production world. Therefore, HD4PC made sense as a brand for my work, but HD is old news these days, with 4K being the new big thing, and my current project is posting in 6K. At the same time, the technology field is broadening, with the advent of VR workflows and such.

“Tech with Mike First” aims to keep on the leading edge of developments in the world of video and graphics technology. I intend to continue to cover high end tools like workstations and laptops, displays and cameras but will broaden my potential audience beyond the post production world. I will include mobile and VR developments, as well as drones, and other new technologies, as those tools will find their way into some of the same projects and workflows. It is also time to move beyond text, and include pictures, and maybe someday some videos as well. My site is mostly about conveying technical data to experienced users, which is how I justified my existing approach, but pictures can convey data in a different way. So I will be publishing more conventional multimedia posts, with images similar to my articles on Hurlbut Visuals and Post Perspective. Anyhow, expect a lot more information to be appearing there on a regular basis, compared to my semi-annual industry updates of the last few years, as I get back into the swing of things.

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